Hentai Jones

The Pony Girls

A pretty horsy Romance with a very happy End!

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The Pony Girls


The Pony Girls

by Hentai Jones

BookRix Edition 2017

Copyright by Amé



Hentai Jones:



A pretty horsy Romance

with a very happy End!



Cover artwork from Pinterest

without a copyright attached!





1 - Falling into the Trap


Falling into the Trap


As we were walking down the track through the forest to the neighboring village to visit her old auntie my friend Sophie was telling me stories about her wicked little brother Seppel, who was constantly trying to get his hands into her knickers - she was in a very happy mood and she made no secret out of the fact, that she was actually enjoying her brother's erotic advances and was looking forward to have a chance to get a firm grip on his little pecker soon as well! Such erotic stories were always exciting me: as the only daughter of a war widow I had no such spicy tales to share, and too many times I had prayed for a brother in my dreams: one bold enough to stick his hands into my panties too! During the harsh times of the civil war the ideal of love was pretty much restricted to poetry books and romantic interaction between the sexes was reduced to wishful fantasies of the young girls, those ones who were still alive - and I was one of them!


In times like this pretty girls were just a merchandise, they were in constant danger if they dared to venture outside and in serious trouble when they were caught by a rapist or a slave trader - but Sophie had no fears: she was a born leader and I felt quite save to follow her! I was just wondering about the feeling to have another hand in my panties than my own when Sophie was announcing, that she knew a shortcut through the woods that would save us at least half an hour off the journey! My father had warned me countless times from strolling off the path during the times of war: that an innocent girl like me was an easy prey for the meat poachers and the slave hunters alike! But when I told Sophie about it she just laughed at me and said: »Oh, Madeleine, you're one scared little princess! If you're too shy to take a risk you will never ever meet a real prince!« Sophie had been always like that, and her arguments were impossible to contradict, that was the exact the reason why I liked and adored her: I would have followed her into hell!


But then she suddenly stopped in her tracks, crossed a finger over her lips to signal silence and pointed ahead with another one - there was a fat rabbit sitting on a stump not far ahead from us, seemingly to dumb to be scared by our approach. Sophie whispered: »Let's get it, Maddie!«, but that wasn't the most intelligent advice I had ever got from her: just after another step towards the mouthwatering dinner roast the ground under our feet gave way and we fell down into a deep dugout, which was probably an abandoned mine shaft or an old empty well, disguised by a local farmer to catch a stray dog or a even scavenging wolf to spice up his dreary vegetable stew! The stuffed hare had been placed on the stump as a decoy and had fooled us both - Sophie was rubbing her ankle but assured me, that it wasn't broken, I had twisted my arm in the fall but it seemed to be alright too, but looking up at the sky far above us there wasn't much chance for us to get out of this hole without a long ladder: we were caught and scared to meet our captor!


But we weren't kept in limbo for too long: the face of a pretty boy was soon looking down on us and then he yelled out: »We have caught something, Dad, come and have a look!« Dad's hairy face was appearing above us as well, and he wasn't showing any disapproval of what he saw: two young girls sitting in the muck with dirty undies! »Can I keep them, Dad, they are so cute!«, the young one was begging him now and the old one replied with caution: »They're just frisky young fillies, Jacob, not broken in yet, but since your beloved pony had been confiscated by the fucking army to feed the starving soldiers you have been depressed a lot - so I may well let you keep them! Let's get them up and have a look at them!« The old man threw a rope down into the hole and he pulled us both up - he wasn't a mean-looking bastard, but the double barrel hunting rifle on his back was a good reason for us not try a silly run, not that he would have tried to kill us with it, but even a stray shot into the back of the leg was something I wasn't willing to risk!


Dad said to his son: »Those fillies are quite pretty, Jacob, I will let you have them, but only if you promise me to keep them in the barn, and for God's sake don't you ever let them run away: they would probably alarm the whole world and we would have an army of moral Christians on our back soon, bashing us up with their blessed crucifixes! There is plenty of leather gear in the stable to keep them tight and surely enough bits to keep them quiet too! Here: take the rope and bind them, and then we take them home!« Young Jacob surely knew about tying up ponies, he didn't fiddle around and made double sure, that all his knots were tight - but I felt a tenderness in his touch when he bound my wrists: he seemed to care that I wasn't hurt by his bondage, that my soft skin wasn't bruised by the rope and my hands wouldn't swell up by a lack of flowing blood. But by now even the bold Sophie had lost her cheeky face: she wasn't happy to be bound by a boy and to be taken prisoner by a poacher - she was deeply upset but too proud to show it!