Hunter Parrett

Bullying, Hurtful Or Mean?

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
80331 Munich

About The Author


I Hunter Parrett, am the kind of person that loves technology and plan on becoming an IT Technician. I like to work with computers in my spare time and instead of buying stuff try to think of a way I can build it for myself. I always like to get things for free if I can I don’t want to get stuff when I have to pay money for it. I will though if there is no other choice.

I wrote this book because I believe that bullying is a major problem and should not be ignored. I believe that there is many different types of bullying, one if which is racial. I myself have been bullied and did not appreciate it so I am publishing this book to alert others how they can deal with bullies and stand up and speak up to end it.

I have ADHD, ODD, Aspergers... the whole bundle. I understand that it is hard to ignore sometimes. I like to not only work with technology but I also like to collect it, working or not working.