Cover page

Title page

Copyright page


Working together in a shared authorship project is always a labor of love. For many, this labor is only sometimes a joy; more often than not, this collaborative labor is a source of irritation or tension. When co-authoring is more a blessing than a curse, whether you are the faculty member, the postdoctoral fellow, or the doctoral candidate, you know you've won the lottery. We are lucky enough to have found each other, trusted each other, and endured the work (and solace, and rejoinder) of this project. In the end, the labor and the responsibility fall on the three of us but, truth be told, there isn't much we would do differently. The many Skype sessions and brainstorming moments made the heart of this project beat, giving life to the words and ideas in this book.

We all wish to thank Jonathan Skerrett for believing in this book project. To the various members of the Polity team who supported this venture – from bringing our ideas to fruition with a wonderful cover to the reviewers of the text who offered their insight and guidance – thank you. Polity was ever-accommodating and supportive throughout this venture; for this we could not be more grateful!